Divyanshu Talwar

Divyanshu Talwar

About me

Hi, I am Divyanshu Talwar, a curious skeptic intrigued by technology, mathematics, music, and nature.

Currently, I work as a software engineer at Goldman Sachs, where I apply my expertise to solve complex challenges with innovative solutions.

My research interests span the areas of statistics, probability theory, and machine learning. You can explore my publications here (or visit my Google Scholar profile).

I graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Technology from IIIT-Delhi, majoring in Computer Science and Engineering. During my time there, I had the privilege of collaborating with Dr. Angshul Majumdar, making impactful contributions in the domains of Recommender Systems and Machine Learning. Additionally, under the guidance of Dr. Saket Anand, I delved into Computer Vision, particularly focusing on Representation Learning and Transfer Learning.

Motivated by a passion for research and an innate curiosity, I am keen on applying my research and software engineering skills to tackle intricate computational challenges.

You're welcome to take a look at my resume or contact me here. I am open to discussing potential collaborations and exciting opportunities.